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Recent Movie Reviews

27 Movie Reviews

So cool! It's funny, maybe it's just me, but as the video goes on I feel that the animation get more snappy like the original cartoon even though you use in betweens/interpolations and the classic madness combat animation does not. Really good job!

So mindbending, love it!

The camera movment and blur makes the animation a lot more dynamic than it already was.

Also I love the fact that the two hanks have different fighting style. I like the more brutal teeth and mechanical jaw one

Recent Game Reviews

19 Game Reviews

Alright, pretty good game. But there always things to improve.

First of all, artistic direction and feedbacks are nailed. Really good. Everything feels good, music adapts one. The one thing after playing that don't strike me is the SFX. They don't make the gun feel unique or powerful, as every bullet sound are like cloth punch. They don't feel impactful as much as "blood" spilled for instance

Also everything in the UI is moving, the money moves to your corner. All of that feels very good and satisfying

Unfortunately I think it doesn't help that much the core gameplay that I feel is a bit boring. It's a roguelike but your only ressource is money. The procedural generation just gives random enemy but the level design has very little interactivity which makes it feel very linear despite the fact that everything is randomized every time you climd the tower. Which is a shame. If there were some special room where you could do something that doesn't require a lot of dev. Like changing stats. Offering max life for instance in order to have some stat boots just for the run or stuff like that, it would feel good. And also like they did on binding of isaac rebirth. Maybe big rooms sometimes?

The frustrating thing for me during my playthrough was how much you were limited by your gun. If you get a gun and just climb as much as you can, it just come down about how patient you are to kill the enemy. Because the only thing you can do is shoot at them, and you just need to gather enough money to have the big guns and be able to go through rooms quickly. It is just a matter of time and I was frustrated to be farming with an inferior gun that i'll end up having anyway.

I could analyze and go long about how and why. I'm still glad I get to play such a quality game on free browser and all. But honestly I feel it is missing a little something to be real good and making me want to replay a lot. And that's more exciting stuff happening in the tower. Play with biomes, allow player to take risk, shoot something else than an enemy. Just a little variety to make things exciting.

Finally the music is really good! It is too bad I feel like some are not the same quality than others. Like the music for the last biomes with the electric guitar is so good compared to the rest. It made the last level feel epic, but it also made the other biome's music feel a bit too primitive compared to that one!

Thank you for such a good game, hope this is not hurtful and will help you create even better games in the future

Prox276 responds:

Couldn't be further from hurtful! I wouldn't be where I am now without quality feedback like this and I certainly won't improve without it, so thank you for the thorough review! <3

I quite liked it

However, the game never end, i did miss my hance and now i'm just set in the park and i can't try again the game... too bad ^^ there is no alternative action too, it could have been better than you can hug your little girl and things like that ^^


You are funny man, the game is a littly short but i really like the humor in the sign and all that stuuff, you should have done easter eggs. I think i lik you and your jokes more than the game ^^

Recent Audio Reviews

10 Audio Reviews

Can't believe I randomly fall on that after all them years

I like how syncopated it is, very lovely

Best music in the entire game

Recent Art Reviews

3 Art Reviews

Looks good, I'm a bit confused about some little perspective aspects, like your right arm combined with your right leg. Still looks really cool and I love the fact that you're into the newgrounds culture so much!

wayyward responds:

Thank you!! I appreciate the feedback! I'm definitely still getting the hang of anatomy and perspective. I'll keep that in mind as an area to improve! But yeah, thanks so much :D

This picture

This picture make me thinks about pyramid and all that stuff :3

Jakubias responds:

Through ages, artists have been hiding secret information about the worlds most well kept secrets to their work.. :P
You're getting there lad, push the boundaries, let it reveal the thruth!


I love it

And i pretty like the way you draw it, with the line going on the top left corner, very good ! :3

"Always look on the bright side of life"

Lukas Tamayo @BinaryGleam

Age 29, Male

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Paris, France

Joined on 2/20/07

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